Sunday, January 20, 2008

Un soir à lui...(An evening to himself) Update

Here are a couple pictures as I work through this project...


Anonymous said...

A question: I'm currently working on painting a miniature who's uniform contains a lot of white (Napoleonics, French Infantry). How were you able to get your white pants in ' an evening to himself' to look so 'soft'. Do you remember the mixture you used? I'd greatly appreciate any advise. Thank you.

Patrick Kirk said...

I paint in oils and undercoat in acrylics. The acrylic undercoat was a warm unbleached titanium white, and the base for the oil mix was titanium white plus a touch of raw umber (keeping it on the white side and not tan).

Shading was done with the base color plus a touch of sepia and highlighting was done with titanium white.

Does that help?

Good luck with your painting...